I'm still here!
What do you do when you have a knitting blog, but its been practically months since you really sat down and knit anything? You show potentially boring pictures of FO you have from before your blog days. So, here are a couple of items I knit from a while ago.

This shawl is ridiculously simple to make. All garter stitch with fringe added. The fringe covers any mistakes that might have occurred in your increases (the shawl is knit from the "point" out). This was one of my first FO. I was delighted with it until I swung it around myself an realized that garter stitch and my shoulders combine to make me look like a linebacker. Still I love looking at it.

The yarn is a rayon cord with a mohair duplicate called La Boheme. I think I bought it more for the name. Its very pretty but you have to watch it while knitting so you don't end-up missing a thread.

This is another impossibly easy knit. Its all garter stitch but lengthwise so it looks a bit unique (to any non-knitter who doesn't know your tricks). The yarn is Noro Kochoran in Natural. I love the soft angora in this yarn, but I hardly ever wear it now since it always sheds.

I cast on for Ms. Marigold and have gotten through the first few sections. Its an interesting knit. Not so complicated I can't put it down for a couple of days, but entertaining enough so I enjoy my time with it.
This weekend is my first weekend without a class and without and work. I'm hoping to do some real knitting, like maybe finish something. Ooo, imagine that! I do have to make a skirt for my friends wedding next weekend though. And that always takes longer than expected. I have to go look in my UFO pile. I think it may be threatening to overflow...