Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Trifecta: Boy, Knitting and Project Runway.

I have three excuses to explain my total lack of posting. 1) I have been working very hard, sewing night and day, to get through my pattern making course. Almost true. 2) My job has suddenly become so fascinating that I spend all my time thinking about how to do it better. In no way true. And finally 3) That boy in Portland has been taking up a lot of my time by being cute and sweet and making me take my vacation in Portland. Ah, that's the one. Just so you know I'm not totally crazy, I have always loved Portland and it was a probability I would head up there long before I met this boy. Isn't it fun how life works out.

With all that my knitting time has been minimal. But I am so close on Hearten. So close! I just have to finish the second sleeve and then seam everything. Here's a shot of the pieces to refresh your memories since I started this sweater at least 2 mos ago.

And I'm almost done fixing Ms. Marigold. It actually turned out to be a lot more work than I thought it would be. I had to frog it back to where the armholes are joined. And then I needed to take a few days off to allow myself to remember how much I wanted to wear it. All that's left is to pick up the ribbing around the neck.

I loath picking up stitches. Once that's done I'll have no problem finishing it. I just have to find that 1 hour block of time solely for picking up. It's not that it will take me that long. Its just that I have a thing. No really. When I was in high school I was tested for dyslexia and lo and behold I had it. It was no coincidence that my GPA jumped when I started taking un-timed tests. Funny thing was I didn't take any extra time. I just need to know I had it. This is true in so many areas of my life.

Changing topics...

I have some news that is so awesome I have to share now that I'm allowed to. You know Project Runway? That show I have been obsessed with since its inception. I now have a new reason to be totally obsessed. One of the contestants, Stacey Estrella, is a graduate of my school and has been a classmate of mine.

Everyone at school is So. Excited. I can't even explain it. Its true she would have no memory of me unless she noticed the number of times I knocked over a dressform in her presence, but I don't care. All of us are routing for her.

None of us have seen her since she got back from taping. She used to be by to meet with our teachers (my school is very small and my teachers very cool so the grads tend to hang around). We all of course think this means she's one of the final three and therefore is working on her line and trying to avoid giving away a secret that would cost her a million if it got out. The lid on that is totally sealed. But its just so cool to think about!

Alright. I'm off to work on necklines so I can try for Project Runway 5. Ha!


At July 06, 2006 9:33 AM, Blogger carrie said...

that's great news about the guy! we'll forgive you for not posting so much.

yeah, the finishing on ms. marigold is killer.

At July 10, 2006 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, a cute boy in Portland sounds like a good enough excuse to me. cute boys are great and portland is really really great, so I say you're off the hook! bummer about the marigold redo, but i would have done the same thing... those little imperfections can really get under my skin. can't wait to see it again!


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