Saturday, January 21, 2006

A post for the knitting lacuna

I have a word of the day calendar.

Not much knitting going on in my part of the city. I'd post a picture of the "progress" on Clapotis, but it looks exactly the same with a few more dropped stitch rows. I hope I'll have it finished by the end of the weekend. Yes, in fact that's now my weekend goal. Another goal I have is to stop looking for new projects like these:

You've seen my stash and some of the things I intend to do with it, so you know I have no business looking for new ways to spend money on yarn and waist time on the internet.

I have to share another time waster...I found out some stuff about an ex of mine...nevermind how I did. But I can't stop playing the "what if" game. Fortunately, the what if in this situation makes me shudder. But it does make me think about how often we make decisions that have repercussions for years in our lives. Our own butterfly effects. One of my favorite concepts. Not because I'm an anarchist but because it seems to be the basis for nature. Small changes with big repercussions. Ok, if I'm coming up with this on my knitting blog I'm definitely rambling. Oy! More knitting later.


At January 21, 2006 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean like what if you had not been obsessed with a chunky knit sweater made from DB Chunky Cashmerino, maybe you would have made a more practical sweater. And by you I mean me.

At January 21, 2006 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that darn kimono sweater. Where is that pattern? Blog surfing is sooo dangerous to the "to knit" list.

At January 21, 2006 7:20 PM, Blogger Vanessa Vain said...

You can find that Kimono sweater at I actually first saw it on Tara's blog Dirty Purls. So I'd have to agree that looking at blogs is very bad for the "to knit" list :)


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