Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Years

It seems to be a New Years resolution thing. Everyone seems to be checking out their stash and owning up. So, here's mine... well at least most of it. A few stray balls aside this really is it.

A lot of this has a designated purpose. Which I will now enumerate.

This GGH Java is earmarked for the Apricot Sweater from Rebecca 27. I know I bought the Rowan All Seasons Cotton in that bright blue for that sweater but I recently frogged a GGH Soft Kid minisweater in an almost identical blue. So, now the Soft Kid and the ASC are going to eventually become an Ultra-Femme from Stitch and Bitch Nation.

Moving on to all those skeins of Sierra and Baby Alpaca Grande. All of which will eventually become some version of the same ribbed beanie. They are pretty much all for a very good friend of mine and his roommates. A late-ish thank you for cooking me dinner a lot last fall.

The Cashmere is for Wendy's (Knit and Tonic) Somewhat Cowl. I've swatched it and have finally cast-on. I'll post some picture of the progress in a few weeks (its on size 5 needles and, like I said, I'm lazy).

The Merino Style is for The Katrina Rib. Though I bought more than is required mainly because I'm going to change it a bit (longer sleeves).

The Rowan Kid Silk Haze was supposed to be for the butterfly tank from the most recent (at least I think it is) Rowan magazine. But it has recently occurred to me that I keep making things I will never wear. I don't know why I persist in this but I keep having to remind myself of my need for useful knits. So this will most likely be saved for some other project. Any ideas?

I have about 8 balls of Silk Garden that was originally supposed to turn into some pillows for my bed. However, I got a new bedspread in a totally different colorway a couple months ago so I think this may be turned into a shawl or super-long scarf for my mom.

The final project I have is one that scares me a little. The Madil full is for my own pattern. Now I've futzed with a lot of patterns and gripped about poor editors and insane directions, but to jump the line to the side that gets all the criticism that freaks me out. I'll let you know if it ever happens.

Those are the major projects. I have a boat load of Aurora 8 and a bunch of the Majestic. I think I'm going to make Belle Epoque from Knitty with the Majestic. We'll see what the Aurora 8 turns into, maybe an Essential Stripe without the stripe.

At any rate, I hope you all had a very happy New Years and that this new year bring you lots of joy and yarn!


At January 04, 2006 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to take a shot in the dark and guess that you like green & blue. It's just a guess.

At January 10, 2006 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel! THanks for stopping by my site and leaving such a kind message. It really meant a lot to me.

I love all your yarn plans. I wish I could say that I have definite plans for my stash!


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