Friday, November 04, 2005

My first post- the ego explanation

First, I feel the need to explain my egotistical blog name. One day I was feeling very down about a boy and I was complaining to a sweet guy friend of mine. Finally, tired of my self pity and whining (more the whining) he told me I was a hot brunette who should drop this guy and try having fun for a change. Then we made-out. But you know, that's what being 19 is about.

So now at the ripe old age of 24 when I get really down about men or weight or anything I just remember this sweet guy saying that to me. After a while you begin to believe it. Basically, this is a reminder to stay on the positive side of things. Why I put it on a knitting blog is beyond me. But this, you will find if you continue to read this, is very like my scattered mind.

Since this is a knitting blog I should share some knitting style stuff. Right now I have about four sweaters to seam; two Rebecca patterns, a Ribi Cardi form ChicKnits and the minisweater from I find that I knit a lot but seem to avoid finishing much...this is perhaps too much to say about myself in the first post. But hey I want you to know or I wouldn't say it, right?

I also just started the Circular Shrug off of Here is a pic of the progress I have on that.


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