Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Clapotis est fini!

Finally, it's done. And there's a new dent in my stash. This of course makes me want to fill this new hole in my storage system, but no. I will not indulge myself. I have to finish two more substantial projects (hats and fingerless gloves don't count) before I can buy new yarn. Lord knows I have enough projects lined up.

Overall this was a pleasant knit. Nothing challenging and perfect for a stash buster. Plus, I think my mom is really going to love it. I think I may give it to her as just a random gift since her birthday isn't until June.

Pattern: Clapotis from Knitty.com
Yarn: five or six ball of Noro Silk Garden
Color: #203
Needles: Addi turbos size 8
Size: One size
Changes: No changes save for a few mistakes.

So, now I have to figure what's next. The Katrina Rib I'm finding really uninspiring right now. I think that may be headed for the frog pile. I'm starting my Somewhat Cowl again too. I didn't keep track of where I left off in the pattern and I'm pretty much crap at back tracking. Am I the only one who writes out a sheet of paper to keep track of the row I'm on? I have one very experienced friend who laughs when I do this, but she knows how scattered I am and how often I leave a knit untouched for weeks so she forgives this seemingly anal habit. This of course means that I will randomly find binder paper with numbers and slashes on it. Actually, it's usually a non-knitting friend of mine who thinks I'm developing schizophrenia. They turn to me with concern and tell me I need to get out more. But I digress.

Next maybe the Apricot Jacket or the Ultra Femme. Or I may take that KSH in that vibrant pink and make a lace wrap. Though I don't know if I have the patience. Hopefully I'll have some thing to show you in my next post!


At January 24, 2006 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that striped perfectly. there's a lot of clapotis' out there, and i think i like this one best! i'll keep in mind the noro silk garden.

At January 25, 2006 2:29 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

ohh la la! I love your Clapotis. Your mom will love it, too.

At January 27, 2006 1:28 PM, Blogger Beatriz said...

Excellent color choice for your Clapotis...congratulations! Beautiful job.


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