I haven't been posting much, but I've still been reading other peoples blogs and they're all talking about not posting much. I guess this is the summer cycle. When I worked at the yarn shop the other girls were constantly telling me that they couldn't wait for summer because everything would slow way down and we'd have time to knit in the store-something we weren't supposed to do. But when you're working under the table and being wildly underpaid, well lets just say our boss got what she paid for. I think if I was still working in the yarn store I'd be doing a lot more knitting now since it would be forced sit and wait time.
I got back from Portland late Monday night after a fabulous weekend. Yes it was so good in fact that the boy is coming down to visit me the first week of August. Is it a bad idea to start something long distance? Yes, I think without a doubt its a bad idea. But then a lot of bad ideas that I've followed through on have turned out to be good ones. So, I'm going for it. Plus, are you really alive if you're going to pass up a romantic weekend with a gorgeous guy in a city you love when you're single and 24? I thought not.
I did manage to focus on something other than the boy this weekend and re-finished my Ms. Marigold. I'll try to post a pic a some point. Of course you can always scroll down a bit and see it since it looks almost exactly the same. I added some shaping at the waist on this one to show a bit more shape but other than that it looks the same. Hearten remains unchanged something I hope to remedy this weekend. Though were supposed to have record breaking heat this weekend so we'll see if that pans out. At least its cotton.
I also managed to swing by
Lint a little shop in the Pearl District up in Portland. A nice cozy place, just what a yarn shop should be. And empty just like a yarn shop should be when its 80 degrees outside. The boy was totally game for it too. I give him a ton of credit for not just saying he was fine with it, but actually walking into the store and flipping through books for twenty minutes without checking every 3 minutes to see if I'd found what I was looking for. I was looking for the yarn to make this:

I didn't end up finding it, but I did pick up a skein of DB Cashmerino Aran for
Fetching. I think having a few small project may actually get me to knit right now. Plus, the pattern promises a quick finish. I'll be testing that. Funny how my lack of knitting hasn't slowed my yarn buying habit at all...hmm.
So, anyone who watches Project Runway will know our girl Stacey was knocked off on the first show. It was harsh for all of us at school, but I couldn't say the decision was wrong. The idea of her dress was pretty but not innovative, not stunning and without any real voice. I also was straight embarrassed for her that she didn't learn how to use an industrial machine before going on the show particularly when its the third season and we all know that's what they use.
On the flip side, she's only been in fashion for about two years and most of that was in school. The fact that she was even considered with all of these very accomplished designers (most far from amateur) was pretty impressive. The competition this time around is so much tougher than the other seasons. I think she definitely would have made it farther in one of the previous seasons. But being 13th out of several thousand is pretty freaking good.
The boy is calling me so I'm off. Keeping the same weird hours is just one of the things we have in common.
Hope everyone's week is going well!